

Purchase our Riedel Vinum Gourmet Short Stem Water Set of 2 #7655 crystal stemware. Only at IWA Wine Accessories!


Stem Wine Glasses Riedel Vinum Bordeaux Grand Cru Pair


Vinum - RIEDEL's benchmark wine glass series


Riedel Vinum Stemware Collection

The Cabernet glass is perfect for full-bodied, complex red wines that are high in tannin. The generous size of this glass allows the bouquet to


RIEDEL Vinum Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot


RIEDEL Vinum Syrah/Shiraz


Riedel Questions & Answers – The UKs leading retailer of Riedel


Riedel Vinum Water Glass (Set of 2) is perfect for complimenting

Vinum XL is a bold adaptation of Riedel's popular Vinum stemware line and it incorporates the same varietal-specific shapes into larger sized silhouettes for a dramatic effect at the table or bar. Developed for big bold and concentrated wines Vinum XL is created in crystal and machine blown in Bavaria Germany.


Riedel Vinum Glasses, Burgundy - 2 glasses


Christmas Holiday Riedel Vinum Pinot Noir Pair Personalized Gift

Vinum XL is a bold adaptation of Riedel's popular Vinum stemware line and it incorporates the same varietal-specific shapes into larger sized silhouettes for a dramatic effect at the table or bar. Developed for big bold and concentrated wines Vinum XL is created in crystal and machine blown in Bavaria Germany.


Riedel Vinum Glasses, Burgundy - 2 glasses


Riedel VINUM Zinfandel/Riesling/Chianti Glasses, Set

The Riedel Sommeliers Grand Cru Burgundy wine glass is the finest way to savor a fine glass of Pinot Noir wine. Whether you are drinking a French Chambolle Musigny Premier Cru or a California Pinot Noir or any other wine based on the Pinot Noir grape there is no better glass in the world than this Riedel Sommeliers Grand Cru Burgundy to bring out the best in the grape. Riedel's Sommelier series glasses are their ultimate flagship brand.


Riedel Vinum Glasses, Chianti Classico/Riesling Grand Cru - 2 pieces


Riedel VINUM Zinfandel/Riesling/Chianti Glasses, Set


Vinum - RIEDEL's benchmark wine glass series

It is designed so that the wonderful tingle of delicate bubbles for which champagne is famous is experienced on the tip of the tongue. Riedel has taken the traditional champagne flute a step further by etching a small dot into the bottom of the glass. This creates a surface that helps create a constant stream of bubbles. By highlighting the balanced flavors, maximizing the fruit and integrating acidity and tannins, riedel stemware enhances the flavor, bouquet and overall pleasure of Champagne.


Riedel Vinum Water Glass (Set of 2)