

Add color to your garden—and your dried floral arrangements—with the "everlasting" blooms of the Strawflower.


Organic Bright Rose Strawflower - Fruition Seeds

Lovely red with a touch of gold, these everlastings are great for bouquets, wreaths, garlands, and many other creative uses. We have even been known


Strawflower, Scarlet (Organic) - Adaptive Seeds



Transform your garden with the enduring charm of our Strawflower (Helichrysum Monstrosum) Seeds from Todd's Seeds. These non-GMO, organic seeds grow


Strawflower (Helichrysum montrrosum) Seed

The Monster series strawflowers are high yielding produces of fresh cut or dried arrangements. This variety has beautiful dark purple blooms. The


Monster Purple, Strawflower Seeds


How To Grow And Care For Strawflowers, An Everlasting Beauty

Maxing out at 15 inches high, our Tom Thumb Mix of Strawflower Seeds is a perfect choice for a difficult spot in your garden where you just want some color! Tolerant of poor soil and air conditions, Strawflower grows quickly and easily in full sun and flowers throughout the summer into the fall.


Strawflower (Dwarf) Seeds - Tom Thumb Mix - 1/4 Pound, Mixed, Flower Seeds, Eden Brothers


Strawflower, 'Monstrosum Fireball

Strawflower 'King Size Orange', Helichrysum bracteatum - 100 seeds avg. A long-lasting cut for fresh and dried use. Flowers open to reveal beautiful bright orange colors! Planting Tips: A cool-season hardy annual that prefers full sun. Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks before planting date or cast seeds directly in the garden. Do not cover seed; allow 7-10 days to germinate. Space 12 apart in the garden. Grows 20-30 tall. Winter hardy in zone 8 and south.


Strawflower, King Size Orange - 100 Seeds